Posts tagged how to be a full time artist
Beginning again

It’s come to my attention that it’s been 7 years since I first announced on Facebook (to make it official) that I’d opened a photography business. Photographing babies, newborns and families. The occasional wedding.

I spent all of my time, and creative energy building my expertise and my business. The learning curve was immense, but I had a natural flair with the camera (and particularly with photoshop) that helped momentum.

It was a year in that I discovered the fine art photographer, Brooke Shaden. I was mesmerised. I remember literally sitting upright in bed: what is this witch craft?? I ached to create pictures like that and immediately bought her courses. Looking back, I think it was always my path to become an artist, but it took another 6 years to get to that road. Instead I made beautiful art portraits for my photography clients. I figured that was my calling. It felt meaningful to create artworks of breastfeeding, loss, happy memories. It took a great deal of time and energy, however, and I wasn’t clear about charging appropriately for my skills.

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