Posts tagged artist
The Kraken's Wife

She stared at the ocean in front of her. Having lived amongst the villagers for so long she had forgotten who she was and where she had come from. Finally she heard the call and came to the shore where her true nature met her, in all it’s fierce beauty and wildness. She peeled back the pieces of herself that no longer fit as she remembered that she too was wild.

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Beginning again

It’s come to my attention that it’s been 7 years since I first announced on Facebook (to make it official) that I’d opened a photography business. Photographing babies, newborns and families. The occasional wedding.

I spent all of my time, and creative energy building my expertise and my business. The learning curve was immense, but I had a natural flair with the camera (and particularly with photoshop) that helped momentum.

It was a year in that I discovered the fine art photographer, Brooke Shaden. I was mesmerised. I remember literally sitting upright in bed: what is this witch craft?? I ached to create pictures like that and immediately bought her courses. Looking back, I think it was always my path to become an artist, but it took another 6 years to get to that road. Instead I made beautiful art portraits for my photography clients. I figured that was my calling. It felt meaningful to create artworks of breastfeeding, loss, happy memories. It took a great deal of time and energy, however, and I wasn’t clear about charging appropriately for my skills.

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